10th cartoon in series That's Not Funny Views to see on public transport

Views to see on public transport.

9th cartoon Can't Stop Thinking from That's Not Funny series

Just another stroll in the park

8th Cartoon Don't Ask Don't Tell from That's Not Funny series

The has Don't ask don't tell so does with being about

5th cartoon of series That's Not Funny. Not paying attention to something.

The more things change the more they stay the same.  We as parents need to be more attentive to our children when they want to talk to us.  They won't want to do so for very long.  I wonder if that may be some of the reason why so many people today have issues.  I was lucky enough to have parents that listen but I find it hard sometime to do the same.  I have to look up how to be a better parent on the internet...

5th cartoon How High You Bounce from That's Not Funny series

5th cartoon  How High You Bounce from That's Not Funny series.  Not everyone can bounce back as high as others.  Know what you can do to help pick yourself up if you get flattened.  See your GP to talk things through.  If not a GP maybe a trusted friend to help bounce you back.

4th cartoon Now what do I do - from That's Not Funny series

Sometimes it's hard to know how to move from stress to health.  Ask your doctors, friends and family.  If you are lacking in these, try mental health groups or even the internet (yes even that can be helpful - ;) )...  Hope you like my cartoon series.